Sunday, February 14, 2010

There's a Wocket in my Pocket

There really isn't a wocket in my pocket, but it is one of the many books that Skyler has been read over the weeks. Things are coming along in Skyler's world. His feeding is better and on some-what of a schedule (though still only 3 hours of sleep at a time for us at best) and he is very alert and aware of his surroundings. He didn't much like his first bath time, but the many we've had after have been more enjoyable for him. Since I don't want to embarrass him too much in life, we'll keep those pictures for his future wedding (maybe the girlfriends if he's lucky haha). He is now into that "fussy" stage at 3, going on 4 weeks and man is it fun! Wailing from 7pm to around 11pm is the best! (sarcasm) Although, I have to count my blessings because at least it is only about 4 hours long, not the whole day and not through the night. That and he's so darn cute when he's not wailing in your ear. So he's still a keeper. :)

A friend of mine from high school came over and took some professional pictures of Skyler and I. He obviously was the main focus, I just happen to be there. This is just one of many. You can go to her website to check out more... .... in the albert file... shoot me an email for the password if you are interested in checking them out. She did an amazing job!!

Some people have been asking how Montana has been handling the new baby in the family and I think this picture sums it up. If Montana could have puppies, she would be an excellent mother! She took to Skyler immediately when we brought him home with the smallest, cutest kiss and has been in love with him ever since. She even keeps the cats away (or maybe she thought it was just a good reason to chase them more). Either way, she is amazingly good with Skyler, the newest member of the "pack".

We took Sklyer out on his first hike on Super Bowl Sunday. At 20 days old, he took it like a champ! We didn't go terribly far, seeing as the healing process takes ridiculously long with c-sections, but it was far enough to make me sore the next day. It was well worth it for Skylers' first hike though because it was so pretty. We went to Baxter's Hallow and the snow was beautifully coming down in huge flakes (the ones you stick your tongue out for). We all had a blast!
Stay tuned for more updates......

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sarah. (regarding the wailing in the evening!) things will only get better and better. Congrats on a safe and healthy recovery from the Csection. It sounds like you're doing great. I love the photo of Skyler and Montana, what a love bunny. You are so fortunate! Hugs from far away.
    ~Love, Nicole
