Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let it snow!!!

Well Fall just cruised right on through, here in Wisconsin. In October, we thought we may be getting winter early. We had some flurries and cold weather, which made guiding for Apex Adventure Alliance chilly. Rock climbing on cold rock isn't the most pleasant. But then November rolled around and, well, it was like a whole new fall, only without all the pretty leaves. Indian summer was right! We had September weather for the rest of the month! My last "who-raw" day of climbing was around 28 weeks (7months), and it was a good day to end on. Beautiful weather, great company, and great climbing. I probably would have kept going until the end if I had a harness that would fit!

The September-like weather stuck around until Dec 9th. We had the first major snow and it was wonderful! Full on blizzard warnings and everything! Wisconsin is now a winter wonderland, just like it should be. It's beauty reminds me why Wisconsin is so special in the first part of winter. Although, I can honestly say I miss the mountains. The windy, bitter cold after a huge storm like this is uncomfortable at best. But I am glad that there is finally snow on the ground and that winter is finally here.

Bring it on winter!

Here are some pictures from the last few months....enjoy!

Me climbing Mouses' wall (the 5.10a) at 28 weeks.

Montana looking up at me taking a break before the crux.

Looking out at the fall colors.

Sara K. and I.

First snow; in the back yard.
Mom getting snow off of Montana's nose while out cross country skiing.

Looking out over the Wisconsin River at Ferry Bluff.

Yep, me at 8 months....

A family of eagles went out for a joy ride right above our heads. They were simply majestic.

Mom and Ferry Bluff.

Mom trying to get up after losing her balance.

Montana being awesome.

Montana under the snow burdened lilac bushes.

Stay tuned for more month to go.......!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Breeze

Well, Montana and I are back in Wisconsin and have busy since day 1. Guiding for Apex Adventure Alliance started as soon as we got back in April and has kept us on our toes ever since. We are out at Devil's Lake State Park at least once a week if not more either guiding rock climbing or just climbing for pure enjoyment. Here are some pictures to illistrate...

Kelly working through Gargatua at Old Sandstone.

Sarah A. projecting the so called 5.10a Congratulations.

Sarah K. coming down from Brintons Crack.

Montana, doing what she does best...relaxing!

Sarah A. heading up her favorite climb, Cheeta.

Anthony starting off smooth.

Kelly taking on the roof.

Kelly and Anthony setting up.

Montana the mountain dog.

So as you can see, the dog and I have been keeping ourselves busy for the summer. On top of that, I am now the proud employee of Erehwon Outlet in Madison, WI. Soon, Justin and I will be moving into the Madison area, which will be nice for both of us to not have to commute to work every day. Between guiding with Apex, climbing for fun, and working at Erehwon, I've been having a great summer...
Stay tuned for more adventures!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Maddness

Looks like spring doesn't it? Maybe back in Wisconsin, but here in Montana, we are getting the best snow this year! This storm happened the night before the downtown chaos of the explosion, giving us 10". The next day, 10" more. You know I was out there enjoying that! It was amazing!
Bozeman Creek
Montana running through the snow.
Sunday came along and my friend, Daniel, and I went to the Boiling River in Yellowstone bright and early. We called Bridger at 7am when we left, and they had 3" of fresh snow, so we still decided to go to Yellowstone. One hour later, we called again, just to be sure. In that hour, Bridger Bowl got 8" more! Now at 11" (which turned into 26" by the end of the day), Bridger got the most snow it's gotten all season. We still had a great soak in the Boiling river, but needless to say, we both knew we were in the wrong spot for the day! But don't worry, we indulged in that 26" on Monday. One word = Epic.
The Boiling River coming out of the ground. (Mammoth, Yellowstone)

Boiling River flowing into the Gallatin River...where you soak.

Daniel and I leaving the River after our soak.
Job Update = Finding out tomorrow (Friday, March 13) whether or not I have a second interview here in Bozeman.
Future Update = Still unknown :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snowboard, Ski & Soak...What a Weekend!

This weekend has been a busy one which started on Thursday. It started snowing Wednesday night, so I went up to Bridger Bowl to do some snowboarding Thursday. The morning was fun, though not as much new snow as I thought. I was starting to think it wasn't worth it when it started snowing at noon.......and kept snowing until Friday! If I was excited before for 8" of new snow, you can imagine how exciting +12" of powder was! So, snowboarding Thursday and Friday were amazing. On top of that, I had a job interview Friday morning, which may keep me in Bozeman for a bit. Tune in soon for more details!

Then Saturday was a ladies day. Four of us girls drove down to Yellowstone National Park to enjoy a day of cross counrty skiing and a nice soak in the Boiling River. Unfortunatley, we had a slight delay as the Yakima rack on top of my car broke and sent our skis flying off the car and into the road!!! Luckily, there was no one driving behind us, and no serious damage to the skis, so we could all still enjoy the rest of the day. We ended up skiing about 8 miles, half in groomed trails, half in the backcounrty and it was beautiful. All together, we saw bison, elk, and a lone wolf (all from a (safe) distance). After a nice long ski (and a hitch hike back to the car), we enjoyed a well deserved two hour soak in the Boiling River before our drive home.

Sunday...........REST DAY!

PS->Sorry for the lack of pictures, but my camera battery conveniently died...and recharging was forgotten for future use. Next time!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hey there folks,
Arizona was a blast! And Ella Reese Day is just cute as a button! She needed some warming up to me (seeing as it was the first time we have ever met), but eventually, we got along just fine. I think she liked the curly hair and the funny faces we exchanged back and forth. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, but Tim and Nadia got a few pictures, so check out Ella's blog. On top of that, the bike race went well. Both Bozeman teams did awesome and had fun. All and all, Valentines day was amazing.

Today, I FINALLY got on my snowboard. I know, it's hard to believe it's taken me this long, but for those who know me, I like my powder. Bridger got 8" last night (not alot, but more than it's gotten since I've gotten out here) and Nicole and I took full advantage of it. She was testing out her tellies, while I reminded my body what mountain Moguls were all about. The snow was soft and I found a few spots here and there that weren't tracked out to bad. Especially when I started dipping in and out of the trees! Hoo-hah my calves and quads are sore! Not a whole lot of pictures to enjoy this time, but it's proof I was finally out riding.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

For your enjoyment...

Here's some more picture for you all to enjoy. We're heading down to Tuscan, Arizona this weekend for the Old Pueblo 24-hour bike race. Stopping by Tim, Nadia, and Ella's house for lunch on our way down. Can't wait to meet the new addition to the family!

Sunset in Highlight...

Pete not realizing there's a twig on his head...
Nicole and Ashkee.
Crazy dog or ostrich?....
.....Crazy dog.

Cross country skiing in Highlight Canyon on a blue bird day.

Looking across the canyon with the telephoto lense...check out that falls!

Montana having just as much fun as we are... :)

Eric at Genesis.

First night climbing experience at Fat Chance.

Pete on Hangover
Nicole on Hangover