Sunday, March 28, 2010

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!

Hey there all. No new news on the kidneys other than it's a "mild" case. The docter still wants us to do the x-ray test to make sure that the kidney is functioning normally, which is April 1st, no foolin'. We should know everything there is to know about Skylers' kidneys after that.

The other day, Justin and I took Skyler to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. It was AWESOME! Skyler watched all the fish and was just mesmerized! He loved it. He was even awake for practically 9 hours (little cat naps of about 5-10 min here and there). Unfortunately for us, the over-stimulation, although worth it at the time, did some damage to Skyler's sleep schedule. It took him all weekend to back on track!

The fun doesn't stop there. Apex Adventure Alliance had a great weekend to kick off the season! Although it wasn't as warm as it was about a week ago (about a 15-20 degree difference, actually haha), it was great to get out on the rock! I found out I'm a little rusty on the climbing skills, but it was encouraging to be back after only 2 months after having Skyler.

As always, here are some pictures from the aquarium for your enjoyment.

Skyler just started smiling 2 weeks ago and he just doesn't want to stop, which is alright by us! It makes all the screaming worth it :)

Justin and Skyler enjoying the brightly colored fish.

Skyler LOVED the jellyfish! (sorry for the blurriness)

Momma and baby Beluga whale (baby is blurry and hard to see, but there, trust me)

The sea horses are always my favorite!

Justin and Jordan showing Skyler the fish.

That's it for now. On to spring!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Moving right along...

Well we are moving into Skyler's second month and it's been amazing! He is in a nightly routine of being crabby from 7 until 11-12 (still), feeding at 3, and again at 6. I was hoping that we would be moving toward longer periods of sleep, but at least he is consistent. I'm sure it will happen soon. I know this 3 hour stretch of sleep will not be on my "missing it" list.

Skyler has a doctor's appointment next week to check out his kidneys because they vary in size. It is not a major concern. If it had been, it would have been checked out in a more timely fashion. They just want to make sure everything is working as it should. I will post shortly after we get the results.

Other news on the homefront is that Justin, Laura, and I have started our training! We plan on running a 1/2 marathon sometime after September. We haven't chosen one yet, so if you have any ideas on a good one to start with, let us know! Preferably, one with a desired vacation spot near by (wink). Hey, sometimes you just have to kill two birds with one stone!

Spring is in the air here in Wisconsin, and we are loving it! Soon, Skyler, Montana and I will be out at Devil's Lake, rocking it with Apex Adventure Alliance! Very stoked to introduce my little man to the awesomeness his life will entail. In the meantime, we will continue to hike daily and grow with eachother.

Skyler taking a nap, which he does oh so often.
Skyler and Harper (Skyler's bff) enjoying eachothers' company on the floor.

Sky and I visiting friends in Milwaukee.

Ice falls at Parfey's Glen
Green fern in Parfey's Glen
Sky and I hiking with Kelly at Parfey's Glen.
Very Brigadoon-like atmosphere with the fog. It was eerily beautiful.

Kelly telling Montana what's what.
Sweet tree
Hiking into the fog

That's the update. Hope all is well everywhere else!