Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Skyler Edgar Albert

There he is! The newest member of the family! We don't have a whole lot of pictures just yet, we've been sort of busy. The whole birth process has been a long and bumpy road. The plan was to give birth to Skyler the the Madison Birthing Center the all natural way. We started off doing just that. Early labor, with small contractions starting Thursday. These annoying little buggers stuck around, getting progressively stronger until Sunday night, around 11:35 pm, when my water broke. The real contractions weren't far behinde, and they were strong! We lived through each beautiful contration until 11:45 am when we found out that things weren't progressing fast enough, so off we went to St. Mary's Hospital. Things got interesting after that. Epidurals, monitors, and routine vital check-ups became the norm as we found out that I had a fever, which indicated infection. This was hard to handle, but we were still hoping a c-section wasn't going to be needed. Unfortunately, for the safety of both Skyler and myself, the c-section was the only option. But he came out smiling! Beautiful 8'13oz Skyler 21 inches long! He is perfect!

More pictures and updates are on the way, so stay tuned!

We should be both on our way home by Saturday, so keep us in your thoughts!

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